Co-sponsor Founding Principles

Life and Liberty Legislative Agenda:

U.S. Founding Principles Graduation Requirement

Our religious and civil liberties are ever increasingly being eroded by laws and executive orders that force us to violate our deeply held religious and moral convictions or restrict us from our God-endowed rights of religious and civil liberties.

A major cause for this erosion is the deplorable state of knowledge of the founding principles of the United States of America.

HB 571, the U.S. Founding Principles Graduation Requirement Act, states that no student may graduate from high school unless they demonstrate satisfactory knowledge of the founding principles of the United States of America.

The standards for this requirement must be based on original source documents such as the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, the Mayflower Compact, and the Magna Carta.

Study after study and survey upon survey has shown that college students and even many adults could not identify the three branches of government, or what the checks and balances in the U.S. Constitution are. Many think that checks and balances have something to do with their bank account!

Please take 30 seconds to send your legislators an email asking them to co-sponsor HD 571, the U.S. Founding Principles Graduation Requirement Act.